2019 Lean Coach Boot Camp

Flintco currently has 45 in-house Lean coaches. We hosted the 2019 Lean Coach Boot Camp in March in Dallas. Every area office was represented with nine colleagues from Alberici. Flintco’s Lean2.0 Boot Camp is the first step in the journey to become a Lean Coach, who are responsible for implementing Lean2.0® for their projects.
Marlin Knowlton and Corey McNabb, Lean Class of ’17 coaches, joined Spencer Hohn and Melanie Gilbertson as instructors. This year’s training included the Villego Last Planner simulation, which demonstrates how to implement Lean2.0® practices on a Lego house. The Villego simulation requires students to work in teams and collaborate to develop daily and weekly planning habits. Chaotic elements exist in the beginning, but once that routine is nailed down, work flows smoothly.
“My goal for Boot Camp is to provide a hands-on learning experience for our new Lean coaches,” said Hohn. “We want attendees to be able to interact and engage with their peers, rather than just sit and take notes,” Gilbertson added.